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First Chapter

Premier chapitre

The principle

Do you like to read while you're waiting or travelling? With "First Chapter", you can read on the bus or tram and borrow in the library !

Brest métropole, the Brest media libraries and Bibus are offering you the chance to discover extracts from a wide range of books free of charge with the "First Chapter" service. 

How does it work

Every month, a new selection of books put together by Brest's librarians is available on the "Fist Chapter" website and on the Bibus application in the "Useful links" menu. 

Click on the cover to access the book summary and extract.


What happens next?

Did you like the book and want to know what happens next? You can check its availability and borrow it from one of Brest's 8 media libraries !

Good to know : if you are not yet a subscriber, you can pre-register online at or go to the library of your choice.

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